Monday, November 2, 2015

Perceptual Constancies

Size constancy-The tendency to perceive the object as being the same size regardless of whether it's close or far away. 

For example:We know the two cans are the exact same size even though they are in different positions and look different sizes we know that they are the exact same size. 

Brightness Constancy-The tendency for a visual object to be perceived as having the same brightness under widely different conditions of illuminations. 

For example:In the image the gray color has a different conditions in regards to the color surrounding it. The two gray coloring is still the same shade but the conditions are different. 

Shape Constancy-the tendency to perceive an object as having the same shape regardless of its orientation or the angle from which we view it. 

For example:The door is always the same shape but when the door is oriented to a different angle it appears that it has a trapezoid shape and not a rectangular shape. 

Visual Illusions-This is an illusion that is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information gathered by the eye is processed in the brain to give a false perception. 

For example:All these examples have different patterns or different pieces to the image that we would perceive as misleading. 
Image result for example of visual illusion
Image result for example of visual illusion
Image result for example of visual illusion

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